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IBSAT 2024: Selection Process (Open), Result (Out) and Registration

IBSAT 2024 selection process can be conducted in between from 10th to 18 February 2024 at IBS Hyderabad Campus. The Institute of Chartered Financial Analysis of India conducts the ICFAI Business School Aptitude test every year.  This exam is designed to test the candidate’s ability in quantitative techniques, analytical reasoning, data interpretation, data adequacy, vocabulary and reading comprehension. 

IBSAT provides 2 years full PG courses MBA and PGPM and PGPM will  provide their courses at 5 IBS campuses such as – IBS Ahmedabad, IBS Gurgaon, IBS Kolkata, IBS Mumbai and IBS Pune. MBA courses are provided at the 4 campuses such as IBS Dehradun, IBS Jaipur, aIBS Hyderabad and IBS Bangalore. 

Those candidates who want to take admission through this exam can fill the application form online. For this exam the registration will be started on 1st July 2024 but not yet confirmed. It is tentative and for the application of IBSAT 2024 the process is completely online. 

For filling the application form the candidate needs to take care of eligibility criteria that they are matching the criteria or not for admission. IBSAT 2024 exam shall be conducted in the last week of December 2024 but still not fixed. When the exam is over the result will be declared soon. 

In this article there are some information about result, selection process regarding IBSAT 2024 so the candidates can check the information about the exam below; 


IBSAT 2024 Overview

Exam Name  ICFAI Business School Aptitude test (IBSAT)
Conducting Authority  ICFAI  Foundation for Higher Education 
Exam Category  Post Graduate 
Level;  University Level 
Types of Questions  Objective type (MCQs)
Courses Available  MBA, PGPM


IBSAT 2024 Exam Dates 

The candidates can check the following official details of IBSAT 2024

Events  Dates (Announced) 
Application form releases  1st july 2023 
Last date to submit  20th december 2023 
Slot booking / Admit card availability  After successful registration 
IBSAT 2024 exam  23rd to 24th december 2023 
Result  27th december 2023 
Selection Process  10th to 18th February 2024 
Result for selection Process  2nd Week of March 2024 


IBSAT 2024 Result 

The candidate can download their IBSAT 2024 result from the online mode only and there is no other facility available to the candidates such as post or any other medium. For downloading the result the candidate needs to fill in the details such as roll number and password. 


IBSAT 2024 Cut-off 

After releasing the result now the candidates are able to check the cut-off 2024  for admission . The cut-off is released at each campus separately. For the admission cut-off are only the minimum marks by which the candidate is eligible for the further process and those candidates get the passing marks in the cut-off they proceed for further process that is Group discussion and Personal Interview round. 

IBSAT Fee Structure 

Below are the fees structure for each campus

Campus  Fee (2nd Year)
IBS Hyderabad  16,02,000
IBS Bangalore (Off Campus of IFHE) 12,06,000
IBS Ahmedabad 

IBS Pune

IBS Kolkata

IBS Mumbai 

IBS Gurgaon 

IBS Dehradun

IBS Jaipur  



IBSAT 2024 Selection Process 

The candidates who are qualified in the exams such as IBSAT / GMAT/ XAT/ CAT / NMAT by GMAC are selected for further process. And the selection process has been started from 10th February 2024 for IBSAT 2024. The process of selection is based on the group discussion round and personal interview round and if the candidate is selected in this round then their past academic and performance of the candidate is considered. 

After finalizing the candidate for the admission then all the detailed personal letters with the form, IBS placement brochure, Selection process and travel information to IBS hyderabad are transferred  to all the selected candidates and then they are expected to receive it in the next 2 days. 


IBSAT 2024 Counseling

The candidates who are shortlisted in the group discussion and personal interview can proceed for the counseling round and the IBSAT 2024  procedure is conducted by online mode only. There are some documents which are required for the counseling process so the candidates can check the list below of the documents: 

  1. 10th and 12th marksheet and certificate 
  2. Migration certificate
  3. Transfer certificate
  4. Character certificate (If Required)
  5. IBSAT 2024 Admit Card 
  6. IBSAT 2024 Score card 
  7. CMAT / NMAT /GMAC / CAT scorecard 
  8. Multiple passport size photograph


Participating Institutes 

Here are some institute who participating for IBSAT exam 

  1. IBS Hyderabad 
  2. IBS Ahmedabad
  3. IBS Gurgaon 
  4. IBS Dehradun
  5. IBS Gurgaon 
  6. IBS Mumbai 
  7. IBS Jaipur
  8. IBS Kolkata  


IBSAT 2024 Admit Card 

The IBSAT admit cards will be released through online mode. The candidates can download their results by filling the login details and they get their IBSAT 2024 admit card. The admit card is issued by the authority. The admit card required some details such as name of candidate, date and time of exam, exam venue, roll no, signature and photograph.  

If there is any mistake found in the admit card for correction the candidate contacts immediately to the authority for correction. On the day of exam the candidate needs to bring the hall ticket number with one valid identity proof. And on this day if the candidate doesn’t have the admit card with them they aren’t allowed to give the exam. 


IBSAT 2024 Application Form

The candidates can check the details regarding IBSAT 2024 application form

  1. IBSAT application form date is available  from 1st july 2023. 
  2. The registration can be submitted by the candidates till 20th december 2023 
  3. During the registration, the candidate need to upload their passport size photograph and signature in the given format 
  4. The application form is accepted by both the mode that is online and offline mode
  5. The candidates will have to purchase from IBS Marketing Branches from the nearest branches in the offline mode. 
  6. For the courses MBA / PGPM there is a common application form available at different campuses. 
  7. All the details are sent to the candidates on their registered email and ID number. So its must be valid and working 
  8. When the candidate completes all their details and fills it, one should not forget to take the printout of the application form for their future preference. 

Application Fees 

  1. The students can pay their application fees through online mode and offline mode  both facilities are available to them. 
  2. The candidates can use credit card / debit card or net banking method for online methods . 
  3. For offline mode the candidates can use direct payment through an IBS center. 
  4. The candidates can pay the registration fees of Rs. 1800 for ISBAT 2024 
  5. For the candidates the fees is non- transferable in any situation. 


IBSAT 2024 Eligibility Criteria 

Here are some expected 2024 eligibility criteria for the candidates so that they can check it before applying 

  1. Qualification: Those who are applying must have the graduation qualification with the English medium.
  2. Also the candidate must have completed 15 years of education that is 10+2+3 or 10+2+4. 
  3. TOEFL / NELT / IELTS score is available for those candidates who are not  eligible for the English medium in graduation. 
  4. Percentage: The candidates who are secured 50% or above are only eligible for the same. 
  5. Appearing: The candidates who are in the final year of graduation are also eligible to apply. 


   IBSAT 2024 Exam Pattern 

Below are the details regarding the IBSAT 2024 Exam Pattern

  1. Exam Mode: The IBSAT 2024  exam will be conducted through Proctored Home based Test. 
  2. Timing: The total timing provided to the candidates is 2 hours 
  3. Question Type : In the exams multiple choice questions are going to be asked 
  4. Language: In the exam questions will be asked in the English language only. 
  5. Number of Questions: In the IBSAT question paper there will be 140 Questions. 
  6. Number of Section: 4 sections will be included in the exam pattern of IBSAT 2024

Check no. of questions as subject wise: 

Subjects  Number of Questions 
Quantitative Aptitude  30
Reading Compression  30
Data adequacy and Data Interpretation  30
Verbal Ability  50
Total  140 


IBSAT 2024 Syllabus 

This exam is decided by the conducting body and includes 5 different sections in the questions paper such as Quantitative aptitude, Verbal ability, Data Interpretation, Data Adequacy and analytical reasoning and Reading comprehension. 


Below is the syllabus of IBSAT 2024: 

  1. Quantitative aptitude: Arithmetic Progression, Installment Payment, Profit and loss, Venn diagram, Algebra, Coordinate Geometry. 
  2. Data Adequacy and Data Interpretation: Linear Arrangements, Data interpretation based on graphs and Table, Causes and effects and Visual reasoning 
  3. Verbal ability:  Uses of the same word, Word substitution, Fill in the blanks, Syllogism, Odd man out, jumbled paragraph. 


IBSAT Preparation Tips 

Below are the some preparation tips for IBSAT exam:

  1.  For exams, make the time table and follow it on a regular basis. 
  2. Before starting the preparation know all the complete details of exam and syllabus 
  3. For the exam candidates must practice mock test and previous year question paper 
  4. For the preparation the candidates must buy the best book and study material.
  5. Improve your weak areas and make revision on the daily basis 
  6. Do not panic. Allot at least 8 hours of sleep  
  7. Keep practicing yoga and meditation for good concentration. 



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